Tuesday, April 29, 2008

SPCA K-9 Dog Walk

We made Raleigh City History!!!
SPCA K-9 Dog Walk was a huge Success!! Thank you to all participants.
On Saturday, April 19, 2,000 people and 830 dogs marched through the streets of Raleigh to help save the lives of homeless animals. View the web pages of the walk's top fundraisers on the Dog Walk Home Page >

A special Thank you
to Russell Snipes for being the
Highest individual Fundraiser!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Zumba Dance Party- Havanna Grill

Thank you to all who came and made this event so much fun. Can't wait to see you all at the next one!

A special thanks to all the instructors who made it come ALIVE!!
We all Danced til we dropped:)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sweet and Sassy- CAROLINA BRIDE

I have had soOOO much fun the last couple of weeks photograping several brides. I can't wait to get through my wedding from last week. I'll post my favs from that soon. I had to get these up of my Carolina Bride. Truly--SWEET AND SASSY!
Thanks Amanda for having some fun and allowing me to Capture WHO you are! You did great! Mother Nature was on our side this day. Can't wait to photograph the wedding!!!
Here's what your frame will look like:minus the watermarks of course :)