Jessica and Nate
How we met: We met at a wedding. We bonded over piece of wedding cake after eyeing each other!
Our First Date: Our first date was 5 star, a Chinese restaurant in Downtown Raleigh.
How he proposed: Nate was an active member of the Contemporaries Board at the NC Museum of Art, and asked me to attend the Board's annual meeting on March 30, 2007. Since we had arrived early to the museum's party, Nate suggested that we walk around the museum to see his favorite pieces. We entered a room near the back of the museum with Renaissance art and Nate commented on the abundance of religious art from that period. I, having loved Art History in college, began a long lecture about the importance of this art. As we continued our conversation into "the" room, I noticed this room did not have anything to help my lecture and promptly went back into the previous room. Finishing my story, we walked back into "the" room, where Nate grabbed my hand and led me over to a display in the corner with rose petals scattered all around. Nate confided his love for me, and I said yes!
Our favorite things to do or places to go: We love to go out for sushi, frolics in the park (clearly) and have recently discovered our love for grilling!
Wedding Date: 9/13/08
Location: Christ Church in downtown Raleigh with the reception at the Umstead in Cary.